Each type of visual aid has pros and cons that must be evaluated to ensure it will be beneficial to the overall presentation. Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid, but a distraction.
Bring Your Ideas to Life
Everything that you dreamed of can be brought to life exactly at the moment when you decide to win.
We Offer Flexible Learning Formats
Find the best format for you to get effective results and fast progress
Group and individual classes
We collect groups from 5 to 15 students and start new groups every month. Also, you can study individual programs with our teachers. See the prices of our special programs for newbies.
Online language classes
You can study online with our teachers at any convenient time for you. You can choose your favorite tutor from all community members, choose the necessary subjects to exercise in if you want to get intensive classes.
Learning a language in a fun way for children under 5yo
We develop special classes for kids to start speaking new languages with fun and no fear. All kids will be involved in intellectual games and the discussion process.
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